Kultour GmbH
Wolbecker Windmühle 51
48167 Münster
Phone: +49 (25 06) 812 40-0
Fax.: +49 (25 06) 812 40-24
Manager: Hans von Burkersroda
Registered court: HRB Muenster, 5373
VAT ID No.: DE 811709839
Responsible for content: Hans von Burkersroda
Contents of Web Offer
Kultour does not accept any liability for the version, correctness of content or completeness of the information contained in its website range, unless errors were recorded intentionally or through gross negligence. This relates to any damage of a material or intellectual nature to third parties, caused by use of this website offer.
The layout of the homepage, the graphics and images used, the collection as well as individual contributions are copyright protected.
External References and Links
“Kultour has no influence on the structure and content of foreign web pages.
Kultour therefore distances itself from all foreign content, even if a link
to these external pages has been set by pages of the RWTH.”